- Teaching dog obedience classes since 1985
- Continuing education and active member of the Association for Pet Dog Trainers
- Training and competing with her own dogs in multiple dog sports
- Teaching career began in high school
Teaching Dog Training Classes:
Rosie acquired her first dog as an adult in the fall of 1975. In 1976 she attended a local obedience class to train her dog to have manners. This class piqued Rosie's interest in training dogs. When Rosie got her second dog, she knew that obedience class was a must for her new furry friend. Her second dog led her to competing in the dog sport of obedience competition and the desire to be a dog training instructor.Rosie's first steps toward becoming a dog training instructor was participating in the New River Valley Kennel Club's apprentice program for dog obedience instructors. Rosie taught for the Kennel Club for four years. She began teaching for the Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Department in 1986. Today, she offers classes in Christiansburg and Blacksburg. She also offers private instruction for manners, problems, agility and other competitive dog sports.
Continuing Education:
Rosie is a member of the Association for Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). Rosie has been a member of the organization since 1994. She takes advantage of their conferences and the ability to network with other trainers. Rosie also continues her own education by participating in seminars and workshops for dog training and seminars related to working with people.Rosie is a licensed presenter for the program "Be A Tree". She offers this program to school age children. This program is available for any elementary school class in the area.
Training and Competing with her Dogs:
Rosie trains her own dogs using the methods she uses in her classes. Teaching her dogs to compete in various dog sports gives Rosie a better understanding of how dogs learn, problems owners have in working with their dogs and how to overcome the challenges each dog presents. Meet Rosie's dogs (coming soon).Teaching Career (non-dog):
Rosie's teaching career began when she was in high school. She taught swimming and other activities for her Girl Scout Council. Her career at a university found her teaching information systems classes and teaching others how to use various software products. These teaching experiences provided Rosie with her current desire to help owners with their dogs. Rosie learned how rewarding it is to help others learn new skills and gain new knowledge. She also learned that each person helps her to learn and grow. This is true today with her dog training business. The people and the dogs are constantly teaching Rosie and helping her grow as an instructor.
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